Close to Heaven

Sun set

HELUKABEL leistete einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Sanierung des Allgäuer Volkssternwarte Ottobeuren, durch Lieferung von Netzwerkkabeln des Typs HELUKAT 500 F/FTP FRNC. (© Volkssternwarte Ottobeuren)

Be it a shining moon floating in space, shooting stars creating small bright flashes across the black sky, or a blood-red sun setting the horizon ablaze, these natural phenomena never cease to amaze us. Non-scientists who want to be even closer to these heavenly events can go to the Allgäuer Volkssternwarte Ottobeuren, a public observatory in Bavaria. For its 50th anniversary in 2016, the observatory was completely renovated and expanded. Despite the extensive support of public subsidies and approximately 4,500 hours of volunteer work, donations from private and commercial sources were needed for this mammoth project. HELUKABEL made an important contribution by supplying the HELUKAT 500 F/FTP FRNC network cable. Astronomical events can now be projected live on a screen in the modern lecture theatre where hobby astronomers of all ages can marvel at them up close.
